Tomorrow (Thu 26 June): Report Launch: The Future of Computing Education (England)

Via this Computing At School forum post (to view you’ll need to be logged in using your free account).

“We are launching a report on our three year project looking at computing education in England. This includes 5,000 surveys with young people, interviews with senior leaders in high provision non-selective state schools and analysis of national data sets. We’re presenting the findings along with evidence informed ideas to help you improve the uptake of the subject in your school; also, we have a nice interactive website for you to explore national subject provision. The event is free and open to everyone.”

Advert for online launch of subject choice, attainment and represenation in computing.

Text of the above image says –

“Subject Choice, Attainment and Representation in Computing
Online launch
Date: Thursday, 27th June 2024
Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm UTC+1

Join us as we unveil our findings and recommendations aimed at enabling more young people from diverse backgrounds to develop the essential digital skills for their future.

To sign up for this event please use the QR code below.”

The QR code takes you to this registration form.

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This blog is supported through EPSRC grant EP/W033615/1.