TODAY, free online @Raspberry_Pi seminar from their series on teaching programming (with or without AI), 5pm

Today, this afternoon (5pm BST, Tuesday 11th June 2024).

“The next seminar in our series on teaching programming (with or without AI) takes place on Tuesday, 11 June at 17:00-18:30 BST (TODAY).

We’re excited to welcome Veronica Cucuiat from the Raspberry Pi Foundation, who will lead a seminar on “Using a feedback literacy approach, what are secondary educators’ views of LLM-generated explanations of program error messages?” Veronica’s research explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) to clarify error messages, a common roadblock for those learning to code. She’ll share feedback from educators who tested LLM-generated explanations using a unique code editor prototype. By examining these findings through the lens of feedback literacy theory, Veronica will discuss potential impacts on how programming is taught using LLMs.

The seminar will start with a 40-minute presentation by Veronica. We’ll then split out into breakout rooms for small-group discussion, before coming back together for Q&A.

All of our seminars are recorded. We usually share the recording 2-3 weeks after the seminar.

If you have any questions about our research seminars, just let us know at”

Find out more about the seminar series | Register for this free seminar today at 5pm BST

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